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General Information ~ ASIS-HTCIA Conference
The High Technology Crime Investigation Association recognizes the need for a better system of networking private and public investigations against criminals, who continually threaten both private and government computer networks and/or steal millions of dollars in assets by the use of computers or other forms of high technology.
The American Society for Industrial Security is the largest worldwide organization of security professionals. ASIS International is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, as well as specific security topics.
With the explosion in the use of computers and the Internet, there is an upswing in criminal activities that utilize these powerful tools. From computer viruses to fraud, these are just a few of the many growing threats that expose our society to a new kind of criminal activity in the 21st century. This conference addresses some of those issues.
Downloads: Coming soon – the brochure
Dates: May 30 ~ June 1, 2007
Hours: 0800 – 1700 (classroom)
Wednesday Evening Reception sponsored by: Vasona Tech
Location: South San Francisco Conference Center
Exhibitors: Click here for more details and pricing
Conference Registration Fees:
ASIS and HTCIA members registering before April 15, 2007 $200
ASIS and HTCIA members registering AFTER April 15, 2007 $300
At the door (space available) $400
Non-members registering before April 15, 2007 $250 () Non-members registering AFTER April 15, 2007 $350 ()
At the door (space available) $400 (*)
Conference registration fees DO NOT include hotel.
Cancellations: Cancellations received in writing by 4/23/2007 will receive a refund less a $40 processing fee. No refunds after 4/23/2007.
Conference Registration: Click here for online registration.
Intended audience: This course is intended for Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement; prosecuting attorneys; private investigators; corporate security staff and network security administrators. This conference is open to both members and non-members of HTCIA and ASIS.
*Non-members MUST meet either ASIS or HTCIA membership requirements to register and attend. Non-member registrations will be verified and you will be notified if and when your registration has been approved. You may be required to submit additional documentation to the conference coordinators verifying your position and eligibility for membership in either ASIS or HTCIA. Final approval is based on the judgment of the conference coordinator (or designee) and that decision is final. If your registration is rejected by ASIS-HTCIA, you will be issued a full refund for any payments made.
ASIS membership requirements: Professional in an executive, managerial, supervisory, or Responsible Charge position who is primarily responsible for the security function of their organization. “Responsible Charge” means that charge exercised by an individual in a management position who makes decisions for the successful completion of objectives without reliance upon directions from a superior as to specific methods or techniques. However, an applicant need not have held a supervisory position, as long as the positions on which the application relies have specifically included responsibility for independent decisions or actions. If responsible charge is not based on supervisory responsibilities, then security program management responsibilities and duties must be clearly shown. Generally, this excludes such positions as patrol officer or equivalent.
HTCIA membership requirements: (a) Peace Officers, Investigators and Prosecuting Attorneys engaged in the investigation and/or prosecution of criminal activity associated with computers and/or advanced technologies. Each member shall be regularly employed by the Federal Government, State Government, Counties, and/or Municipal subdivisions of any state, or (b) Management Level and Senior Staff Security Professionals in the regular employ of private business or Industry in the various states, the primary duties of which, are the control and responsibility for security and/or investigation in computer or advanced technology environments, or by virtue of his/her position or interest can provide, or have a need for information and training in the areas of computer and/or advanced technologies.
Certification: POST (pending) for California Law Enforcement officers. The class is held in conjunction with South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Center, (Evergreen College police Academy), San Jose, CA. MCLE certified (pending). Eligible for CPP, PCI and PSP recertification credits from ASIS International.
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